Is that a Blue Splash Wheaten Ameraucana? We aren't sure. But we do know that she is bound to be a beauty with those auburn and blue feathers.
Eleanor sets herself apart from the other chicks. This is the stage at 8 weeks or so that they start to act like high school girls. They start defining their cliques or best friend more aggressively at this age.
You can see the difference in Eleanor and the Rhode Island Red chicks. That dapple of blue makes her stand out.
They are still young enough that they all still get along for the most part. Every now and again we catch one of the chicks taking a quick peck at JoJo's eye. But, she is quick to dodge them and holds her own. We still haven't found the real leader of the pecking order yet.
Today Joey was a little distracted from the chicks. His mommy found a catherpither (caterpillar). Joey wanted to keep a close eye on it for fear that one of the chicks would eat it. He loves his bugs and insects.
Here's Joey demonstrating how all of God's creatures need nurturing and protecting.
Even though Joey was fascinated with the catherpither, he still kept an eye on his chicks. This is their favorite hang out spot. It's the same tree that Joey will be building a tree house with his grandpa.
Grammy is keeping an eye on the chicks while Joey and his mommy get some bike riding lessons in for the day.
Each and every day Joey gets a little braver. Raising chickens is much easier than learning to ride a bike.
Once the chicks were put back in the bin, Joey went back to his playing with is catherpither.
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