Sunday, June 15, 2014

We Have A Rooster Indeed

We ended up with a rooster. But, it isn't Penny. Turns out Penny is a hen. But now we know why one of the hens had amazingly beautiful feathers, she is a he. Most female birds are the beauty. It's usually the male that gets the colorful flaunting feathers. So, that would explain...

Her fancy feathering. And it would explain why she/he has suddenly become the ruler of the roost.

It would also explain why his tail looked like this picture of a blue wheaten rooster.

But we were mostly convinced that he is a rooster because he woke us up trying to crow this morning.

 So, Eleanor is now Deleanor.  And for those of you who are following the chicken stories...

The chickens were chased by a pit bull last weekend. One of the Rhode Island Red's eye got damaged in the fiasco. We left her alone to heal rather than trying to tend to and possibly causing further damage. We are happy to report that her eye opened after a few days and she can see perfectly. 

I wanted to post one last photo of Deleanor. His feathers are just magnificent.