Friday, May 30, 2014

It's been a month since the last posting. The chicks have changed a lot. We got three ducks a few weeks after getting the chicks. As you can see the ducks and chicks get along swimmingly. The chicks are exactly 3 months old at the time of this posting.

At first the ducks were afraid of the chickens. But it didn't take long and the ducks started getting bigger than the chicks. The chicks suddenly liked the ducks.

 The ducks didn't get as much human contact with the weather turning warmer when we got them. They went outside pretty quickly. The female mallard is the leader of the ducks. The Pekins seem to be male and female but the verdict is still out on that one. The top photo the ducks are a few weeks old. The photo below the ducks swimming, the ducks are three months old. They are hiding by the concrete peacocks. They learned from the chicks to try to blend in with the concrete peacocks when humans come around.

JoJo at one week and at three months. She is completely white now.

 Penny at one week old and again at 3 months old. He/She has a robust chest. Still not sure if Penny is a hen or rooster.

Merida at one week old and at 3 months old. Belle really likes Merida. They are besties.

 Belle at one week and then Belle at three months. Belle is on the left, like I said Belle and Merida are besties.

And this is our prima donna, Eleanor. Who would have ever guessed that she would have grown into such a beautiful hen. We believe she is a blue wheaton. This type of hen is a bit unusual. She is a perfect "Regina George" and could be cast as such in the chicken version of that movie about mean girls. She is one week and then three months in the photos.

Beaker is fierce. She would always want to be up higher than the other chicks and she isn't afraid of anyone. This is Beaker at one week and at three months. There is nothing wrong with her foot, she is just getting ready to take a step.

Sassy is still the sweetest of the bunch. She loves people and will be the first to come greet you when you come to our house. She loves pecking at nail polish, so watch your toes! This is Sassy at one week and at three months.

Zoey has been the same girl since Joey moved away. She is stand offish now and doesn't care to be friendly with humans anymore. The oddest thing happened after Joey left. She began grow blue spots on her wings. I suppose is carrying her mood on her wing. Much like we human tend to want to carry our hearts on our sleeves. This is Zoey at one week and again at three months.

Hark hasn't really changed too much as far as color. She is a pretty hen but Eleanor let's her know that she pales in comparison to her. Hark just minds her own business and is quite capable of holding her own. This is Hark at one week and three months.

It just amazes at how well the ducks and chicks get along. They share their food, water and space. There hasn't been a minute of a day that we have regretted getting our feathered friends.