Thursday, April 17, 2014

Fun With Chicks and Ducklings

Today was nice and warm so we got the chicks out and introduced them to the ducklings.

Joey and Zoey are absolutely best friends. She makes Joey laugh.

At first the ducklings thought Zoey just may be their mama duck.

But they quickly realized that she is not and they turned their backs on her.

Grandpa shoveling rock for the coop and driveway.

Joey loves the wheelbarrow and rather than helping with the chores he climbs into it and wants someone to push him. 

Joey tries to hid from grandpa so he won't have to shovel rocks.

Joey got sidetracked and started digging holes instead of filling the holes.
But Grandpa soon got him back on track and he was doing his fair share of the rock shoveling chore.

Joey's mommy pushing him up the driveway after filling in the driveway.

Chicks At 7 1/2 Weeks

The chicks love playing in the yard. They've discovered that if they jump up they can nibble at the new leaves that are budding on the bushes.

While the chicks were finding new things to eat, Joey picked his Grammy some flowers. The more the chicks grow the harder it is to get them to be still for a photo. They have grown a lot since the 6 1/2 weeks photo session.



