Sunday, April 6, 2014

Chicks At 5 1/2 Weeks Old

These photos were taken April 2, 2014. The chicks are five and a half weeks old. They are getting more color and definition in their markings. Their ears are becoming more noticeable too.

Beaker and all the black and white Plymouth Rocks are very gentle and friendly.

Belle is true to her clique with the other Rhode Island Reds. She is the only RIR with a black tail feather.

Eleanor (Ameracuana) is the beauty of all the birds. Her red and grey feathers make her look elegantly hand painted. She loves being the pretty one.

JoJo is slowly replacing her downy with her big girl feathers. She looks a little rough right now, but we are all anxious to see just exactly what she will look like when fully grown. We still aren't sure if she is an Ameracuana or a Cornish hen.

Merida is probably the most stand-offish of the RIR hens.

Penny is definitely a rooster. He is bigger than the rest of the chicks and he is starting to realize that he is the ruler of the roost.

Sassy is still the baby of the bunch. She is slower to interact with the rest of the chicks. She gets pushed around a lot by the other chicks. JoJo is usually quick to comfort her though. She is a Plymouth Rock and has been struggling to thrive. But seems to have caught up to the rest of the hens in size and strength.

Zoey is Joey's favorite. She is the easiest to handle and the most cuddly. Plymouth Rocks must be gentle simply by nature.

Hark at times reminds us of a turkey. She is an Ameracuana and we are anxious to see what she will look like.

Joey and Zoey have really bonded. they are being closely supervised by Hark.

Another quick photo of Joey and Zoey trusting each other.

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