Thursday, April 10, 2014

The Chicks At 6 1/2 Weeks Old

Today is picture day. Each chick will be gathered up to pose for a picture. Then while Grammy cleans their bin all the chicks will get some free range time.










When Joey gets home from school the weather should be a lot warmer. All the chicks will be able to free range for several hours with Joey close by to protect them. 

 It wasn't long and Joey was home from school. And of course Zoey was anxious to see him.

 Joey got all the chicks out and let them soak up some sunshine.

 Joey and Zoey spent some time in the soon to be hen house.

 Joey and Zoey discovered all kinds of roaming room in there.

 And the Joey saw an ant hill. For fear that Zoey would eat the ants, Joey grabbed her up so she wouldn't see them. We're not sure what we are going to do about teaching Joey that the chickens are going to eat bugs. It's the circle of life.

 And then it was time to go back in the bin. Zoey and Joey are always reluctant to separate.